icon of Environmental InitiativesEnvironmental Initiatives

03. Active Implementation of Environmental Technology

Implementation of renewable energy

The solar power generator installed near the entrance of the Bay Shore Route Tokyo Port Tunnel in 2009 partially covers the power supply of the air conditioning equipment inside the Oi ventilation station. Aside from that, the Yoyogi Parking Area on Route 4 Shinjuku Line uses solar power to power lights in buildings and toilets, and hybrid power generation* is used to power mobile phone chargers. Hybrid power generation is also installed in the Bay Shore Route Daikoku Parking Area, where it powers clocks and sidewalk lighting.

  • *Power generation by using wind power and sunlight
Solar panels installed near the entrance of the Bay Shore Route Tokyo Port Tunnel
Solar panels installed near the entrance of the Bay Shore Route Tokyo Port Tunnel

Environmentally friendly parking area

The Bay Shore Route Oi Parking Area (to the east and west) is an "environmentally friendly parking area" which uses environmentally friendly technologies such as water-saving toilets, solar LED blocks, and LED downlights. In addition, we are making similar efforts in the Yoyogi Parking Area, Kahei Parking Area, etc., and will take proactive environmentally friendly steps in other parking areas as well.

Full view of Oi PA (to the west)
Full view of Oi PA (to the west)
Water conserving

Water conserving toilet system
Adopting a water-conserving type toilet, preventing smell and uncleanliness through various measures.

Water conserving

Water conserving
Adopting a water-conserving type toilet, preventing smell and uncleanliness through various measures.

Solar LED blocks

Solar LED blocks
By accumulating solar energy during the day, the LED blocks light up automatically when it gets dark to guide our customers safely.

Solar LED blocks

Solar LED blocks
By accumulating solar energy during the day, the LED blocks light up automatically when it gets dark to guide our customers safely.

LED downlights

LED downlights
Adopting LED downlights for indoor lighting to reduce power consumption.

LED downlights

LED downlights
Adopting LED downlights for indoor lighting to reduce power consumption.

Changing road lighting to LED

The Metropolitan Expressway is promoting LED road lighting as an energy saving initiative. Compared to traditional mercury lights and high pressure sodium lights, LED lighting has low power consumption and long life, contributing to energy savings and preventing global warming. We have been continuously equipping LED lights on the Harumi Line since we installed white LED lights, a first for overhead lighting on the highway. We will implement it on new lines such as the Yokohama Northwest Line, and will continue to introduce LED lighting on existing routes during renovations.
In addition, we have introduced LED lighting to the Aoyama Tunnel, Kitanomaru Tunnel, Yaesu Tunnel, and Yokohama North Tunnel, having started with the Yamate Tunnel (Bay Shore Route to Route 3 Shibuya Line). We will implement it in new tunnel zones of the Yokohama Northwest Line, and will continue to introduce LED lighting on existing routes such as the Haneda Tunnel during renovations.

Comparison of various overhead lights
Comparison of various overhead lights
Lighting of tunnel section
Lighting of tunnel section

To accelerate the spread of Zero-emission vehicles

Fast chargers for electric vehicles have been installed in eight parking areas(Heiwajima(inbound), Yoga, Yoyogi, Shimura, Yashio, Ichikawa, Daikoku and Kawaguchi)on the Metropolitan Expressway so that drivers using electric vehicles can drive on the expressway without low battery anxiety.

Image of map of fast chargers for electric vehicles