icon of Initiatives for Road Traffic InformationInitiatives for Road Traffic Information

Road Traffic Measures

Upgraded information boards

We have upgraded various information boards, and provide road traffic information at the entrances and on highways.

Updated road traffic information site

Based on statistical data for past traffic conditions, Route And Toll Guide provides the route and required time from any start point to the destination, taking into account month and weekday changes, New Year's Day, golden week, Obon festival, etc.

Promotion of Smartway

The Metropolitan Expressway is promoting the spread of the ETC 2.0 service which provides advanced road traffic information by using ITS spots, and safe driving support information.

ETC 2.0
Image of map of areas supporting ETC 2.0 services

ETC 2.0 service on the Metropolitan Expressway

Operating the ETC 2.0 service made it possible to provide drivers with various services such as assistance to avoid traffic jam and safe driving assistance.

1. Assistance to avoid traffic congestion

Provides a wide range of road traffic information, and the car navigation intelligently selects the route. In addition to providing road traffic information for the entire metropolitan area, it displays simple graphics for short distances and wide ranges, providing easy-to-understand service.

Image of providing regional road traffic information [Metropolitan region]

When moving between large cities, it provides wide-area road traffic information (required time to destination, road closures, traffic jams, etc.) from ITS spots before junctions where a path can be selected.

Image of providing regional road traffic information [moving between big cities]

It also provides comparisons of routes to the main landmarks on the Metropolitan Expressway as well as comparisons of ordinary roads.

Image of providing route comparison and comparison with ordinary roads

2. Safe driving assistance

Alerts for hidden traffic jams

It alerts you beforehand at spots prone to traffic accidents, such as blind spots just ahead of a curve where you can suddenly encounter traffic jams.

Image of alerting drivers of a sharp curve ahead

Alerts for obstacles on the road

Information on obstacles such as fallen objects is provided with ITS spots, and compatible car navigation systems automatically display information as you approach the obstacle.

Image of alerting drivers of fallen objects

Provides information with images

Provides road traffic conditions with real-time still images.

Image of providing road traffic conditions with real-time still images

3. Internet connection service

Provides Internet connection service for some car navigation systems. You can obtain local tourist information and facility information, as well as access the site on the Internet.

Image of the explanation of Internet connection service

By collecting information (probe information) such as car driving speed using the ETC 2.0 service, we track road traffic conditions in real time. It allows us to provide more accurate road traffic information.