
Frequently asked questions

You can view the frequently asked questions from among customer inquiries.

Inquiries by phone

Emergency notification/Road emergency number

Please use the free-of-charge road emergency number #9910 for reporting an emergency situation concerning the Metropolitan Expressway.

  • icon of Dial #9910

    Dial # 9910

    Nationwide free of charge

  • Follow voice navigation and select a road number

    Select (1) for reporting an emergency involving the Metropolitan Expressway
  • icon of It leads to the agency concerned
    You will be connected to the responsible authority

*If you use the emergency notification/road emergency number, support will be provided in Japanese.

Shutoko Customer Center

The center provides answers to questions on required times, traffic jam conditions, and entrance closures for the Metropolitan Expressway with the latest information.

  • Business hours 24 hours a day without pause